Start Right!
Club Vass believe anyone can windsurf and everybody should, but it’s best to give yourself the best possible chance – they tell us more..
The Right Place
If you were custom designing the ideal spot to learn to windsurf, you’d probably end up with somewhere like Vassiliki. A horseshoe bay with flat, warm water with a gentle onshore breeze throughout the summer provides the perfect setting. It’s very safe which helps build confidence and Club Vass provide a very comprehensive rescue service just in case.
Don’t Blame Your Tools
Just make sure you’re using the right ones! Often people’s idea of windsurfing is based on perceptions from the 80’s or 90’s, when equipment was heavy, unstable and hard to learn on. Progress has been kind; kit is now extremely light so the rig is easier to handle and boards are now far more stable. It means you’ll very quickly master the basics and start to get what all the fuss is about. Club Vass continually invest in a huge choice of the best kit (including specialised kids’ kit), virtually all brand new every year to give you the best possible start.
Top Tuition Team
Many who’ve been to Club Vass will vouch that their instructors are amongst the best in the world. All are highly (RYA) qualified and have a wealth of experience that ensures you learn as efficiently and enjoyably as possible. Because of its reputation within the sport and long- standing association with instructor trainers Flying Fish (based at the club) Club Vass picks only the best for its team. They often stay for many seasons, which says a lot about the welcoming and addictive atmosphere of the place. Throughout the summer the team get together on a regular basis to share knowledge, which improves how they teach and how you learn.
Group Therapy
Safety in numbers can be a great help when you’re starting something new. With group lessons there’s a sense of all being in the same boat, which helps everyone feel motivated and supported. Positive peer pressure can also encourage you to spend more time on the water, which is essential to making progress. You can join in as little or as much as you like, above all it’s your holiday. But most find group tuition to be a great way to meet like-minded people and have a lot of fun. It’s often the most cost effective form of tuition; at Club Vass it’s included in the UK Pack holiday price as well as unlimited kit rental to enable you to practise at your leisure.
For those who prefer, private one-to-one coaching is also available as well as specialist ladies’ clinics (Diva Weeks). And Club Vass are leading the way for the kids, with Kids’ Clubs as an introduction and ProKids for those who really take to it.
Start Right Special
Make the most of this great deal for June: £100 off the UK Pack price per person on all 1-week June departures (&th June not available ! It’s the perfect time to visit Vassiliki and the ideal time to start windsurfing…
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Windsurf Magazine