Windsurf magazine have asked a selection of sailors to come up with their ‘bucket lists’, of experiences and achievements that they might hope to tick off, once life returns back to normal. First sailor we hit up was Ricardo Campello who is currently in Maui, Hawaii, with his fiancé Diane Wood.
Action photos by: Fish Bowl Diaries
Lifestyle photos by: PWA/Carter
Ricardo arrived in Maui for the Naish Photo shoot on March 2nd. “My ticket to return home is for May 6th, I would not mind staying a bit longer. Here in Maui compared to the rest of the world it feels a bit more relaxed. So far, we can still go in the water and do outdoor activities. There are almost no tourists here right now. There are 14,000 rental cars parked around the Kahalui airport, on the sides of the roads! The other day I went up the volcano to see the sunset and there was just one car! I think this is the only time I will experience Maui like this. Here feels a bit calmer than the rest of the world right now. The beach parks are closed but you can still go in the water and sail from Lanes. The ocean is open! I am stuck here, I don’t know until when, but it is not a bad place to be stuck! Here is my bucket list…”.
WAVES: I have sailed Jaws a couple of times, but I would love to sail Cloudbreak in Fiji. From what I have heard it is a perfect, heavy and beautiful wave. I would love to have a shot of me sailing there with the blue skies and this powerful wave barrelling behind me. Brawzino told me when you are sailing it is like a velvet highway. You don’t even hear the noise of the board on the water because it is so smooth. Not many guys have sailed there, so it is a special place a definitely one for the bucket list! I would also like to discover Fiji! I think it is a place to explore and sail.
TRAVEL: I love to travel with Diane! We would love to travel through Europe in a motorhome when things return to normal. I did it last year around Denmark and Galicia for a few weeks. There are many places still in Europe that I would like to discover. I would travel with one or two boards and a few sails and keep it simple. Even if we go to places that are not for windsurfing, I am interested to visit locations just for the cultural experience. Places that are not even by the sea! I think it would be a cool experience and my girlfriend would love that as well. So that is something I would like to do, once in my life at least. I would even think about travelling without any gear. I am keen to explore and see places I have not been to. Not for too long because obviously I would miss windsurfing but there are still a lot of places in the world that I would like to meet!
MOVES: I would still love to land a triple loop. It is something on my list of moves to do. I just don’t want to put pressure on myself. It just has to be one day when the conditions are right, I am sailing well, and I know somebody is filming or a decent photographer is there shooting! Maybe then I will find the perfect moment and give it another go. I don’t want to say, ‘I am going to sail today and do a triple loop!’ That is too much pressure and everything changes. The other move in mind is a push loop into double forward. I have had this in my head for a couple of years. I think it is possible, but you need to really go high and make a fast rotation on the push loop. If one day I can find that big ramp with the right wind and I feel comfortable then ‘maybe’. There is a video of me from a few years ago where I went so high that I spun three times as a push loop. On that jump I thought about the double forward, but I actually went the other way around by mistake. I went too much against the wind and spun three times. But for now, I would take a triple forward on my bucket list!
PEOPLE: I would love to meet Kelly Slater. I think because that guy is around eleven times world champion in one sport. He is almost 50 years old and still has the level to become world champion or make the top three again. I would just love to say ‘hi’ and talk with him. That guy just rips. I am not a real fan of many athletes to be honest. I would not go up to a famous sports person for a selfie or anything like that. But Kelly Slater is a real legend and he would make my bucket list!
MUSIC: There are too many bands I would love to see so it is hard to pick one out. Probably the Rolling Stones because they are almost done, maybe this year is the last year for them touring if they are allowed. I would also love to attend a Pearl Jam, Foo Fighters, Incubus, Red Hot Chili Peppers, U2, Coldplay and Sting concerts!
SPORT: Obviously I would love to win the world title. I know I can do it. I have been close, this past two or three years. I don’t know if this year, I will even have a chance to do it. I am not sure if we are going to have any events due to the virus. It does not look like it. If not this year, then next year.
CRAZY STUFF: Well I have done a bungy jump. I did that in Austria from a crane. I did another one at home in Venezuela. I think there is a huge one in New Zealand off of a bridge I would like to try. I also did a few tandem parachute jumps, one at home in the mainland of Venezuela and one over Los Roques which was amazing. So, for my bucket list, I would like to make the course so I could parachute alone. I just need to find time.
PERSONAL: One thing I would love to do is one day be a volunteer with Diane and travel to Africa and help out poor kids in any way possible and become disconnected from normal life a little bit. I am not sure if will have the guts to do it but I would love to! In Venezuela there is also poverty on the same level, but I see Africa to escape from my environment at home. I am not sure if I will do it, but I would like to if I have the chance. It would make me feel content with myself and I have had this in my mind for a couple of years.
The post THE BUCKET LIST: RICARDO CAMPELLO appeared first on Windsurf Magazine.
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