We speak to Severne team rider and marketing guru, Kurosh Kiani for the low down on how he is surviving in Lanzarote under lockdown.
All Photos: John Carter
How are things on Lanzarote with the Corona situation and what have you been up to?
Things are generally relaxed here. From what I’m aware of anyway. I’ve only been outside twice this last month to shop for food and it feels weird that there is no people to see.
Quite honestly, the first few weeks were great! I managed to finish setting up my new van. I caught up on stuff I hadn’t been able to for a long time and got to rest at home after having been traveling loads throughout February. Then slowly the projects started finishing and now I’m resorting to various DIY projects and weird home workout schemes. Current philosophy is, I’ve got food, internet, an outdoor space and my guitar. I can keep going for a long time and make the best of it.
How much are you missing windsurfing right now?
I’ve got to be honest and say sh..loads!! … Having been distanced from it for about six weeks now I’ve really come to terms with the amount of space it occupies in my life.

Are you completely recovered from your injury now?
Yes!! .. I’m back at full strength… minus the missed hours in the gym and sailing cause by injury, holidays, work, travels and now a lockdown. But it can always be regained.
Once this is all over will you promise to do another song with Aron Dagan and what will it be?
Oh, we’ve got a couple in the making already. No reason to wait until it is over. We might do an early surprise launch!

How much would money you give to be out sailing right now?
Well.. quite a bit I guess? Not sure if I’ve got enough money to satisfy my water time needs? I guess I’ll just keep my head down until we’re “allowed” outside.
Are you busy doing all those jobs that you had on the back burner?
I’m stacked to the max!! I’ve always got quite a big back burner of projects so I’m putting in the hours to say the least!

What is your role within Severne these days?
I deal with all marketing and some operational aspects of the Severne brand. So, I am generally quite busy.
How have things changed since the Corona situation?
It is hard for me to predict long term. But personally, I have surely come to realise how much I had taken for granted freedom and the ability to just jet around the globe. In terms of working from home; well I was already a “working on the road” guy. So that doesn’t change much for me. And although travel, work, how we interact and social life might change in the short term I am quite sure the stoke of windsurf will be one of the things untouched.

Have you got any tips on how sailors can get more likes on Instagram and use this time to improve their social media presence?
Yes, although I haven’t really gotten myself involved in the social media world recently ( as I am mega busy), I personally would try to break away from the crowd and try to differentiate myself. Find your own niche, be original and play on it. And while you’re in lockdown, learn a bit about how the social media machinery works in general. There are loads of good online courses out there.
The post KUROSH KIANI: UNCOVERED appeared first on Windsurf Magazine.
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