As lockdown measures are slowly being released, athletes are starting to get back to the water in Spain. We spoke to Iballa Moreno who has been in the Canary Islands for her latest update!
Photos: PWA/Carter
WS: What have you doing during the last few months?
IM: Well lockdown, has been tough for everyone. Being confined at home at the beginning was hard and different. Everything was new for everyone and also too much information but at the same time we didn’t really know much about the virus! I have been trying to get a routine at home training. And during the last week, professional athletes have been able to do individual sports any time of the day. So, it feels “almost” like normal life. Luckily in Canary Islands Covid has not been as strong as in the rest of Spain but we have to follow the same rules as the rest of the country. Everyone has been really good and respecting the rules. So, we have seen a good drop in cases in the Canary Islands
WS: how have you been dealing with it all mentally?
IM: Yes, it was hard at the beginning. I think now I am coping better! But like I said, to go through an unknown process in life is very frustrating! What I do is live day by day without really thinking about the future or the past. I am better at dealing with it this way, I think. And it makes you stronger to go through this.

WS: Are you back on Gran Canaria?
IM: The first three weeks I was in Fuerteventura. Then I went back to Gran Canaria to stay with Daida and help her thought her pregnancy. I did not even go out of the house once for a month! Now I am back in Fuerteventura where I live.

WS: Are you allowed back on the water in the Canary Islands for windsurfing?
IM: Yes, luckily since last week professional athletes (only a few) are able to go training any time of the day. I have been really respectful with the rules, only individual training and wearing masks wherever is needed and also washing my hands all the time.

WS: What are the restrictions still in place?
IM: We were in phase 0. Now we upgraded in Canary Islands in phase 1. Some places are able to open with only 30% capacity. Always respecting the social distance 2m rule normally. People are required to wear masks most of the time. And for us we have a special passport to be able to do sports any time of the day for training!

WS: How is Daida doing with her baby?
IM: Yes, she is doing amazing. Strong as you would expect! Not sleeping much but Axel has been born in a special moment in life. Everyone is healthy and happy!
WS: Are you feeling more positive that the Covid situation is easing slightly?
IM: Yes, I think in Canary Islands we have been really well behaved and the cases are very low so it feels quite positive here.

WS: What about your Pozo, PWA event, any news there?
IM: At the moment the situation is not so good. So, it is most likely not going to happen. But we will make a special announcement soon. We are waiting for confirmation of International flights and hotels situation in Canary Islands.
WS: Do you think you might compete again this season in either SUP or windsurf?
IM: Yes, my SUP season is later on the year so that looks good. And windsurfing will depend on the next events. If not, I will be back in 2021 stronger than ever!
WS: Have you been doing a lot of training?
IM: At home I did a lot of physical training but now we are slowly going back in the water!

WS: Do you miss the travel or are you happy to be at home?
IM: This is the first time in a long time I have not travelled so it’s not so bad. But for sure it feels strange. I will be happier if everyone is healthy and safe at home and we finish with the virus soon!

WS: Are you worried about your job as a rider?
IM: Yes, for sure. Our contracts have been cut. And the situation is an unknown, but we are all motivated and looking forward to continuing with our job as soon life with the Covid is more stable. The whole world and I are looking for this to be over. It is almost like a nightmare!
WS: What was the windsurfing highlight of your career so far?
IM: Winning both world tittles in SUP and windsurfing in 2018. But also, being able to be close to the top of the world in both sports all these years, has been an awesome challenge and a fun ride!

WS: What do you love about windsurfing?
IM: Everything, especially going to bed thinking about where to go sailing next day searching for wind and waves.
WS: Three words to live by?
IM: Strength, Illusion, and imagination!
The post IBALLA MORENO: CANARY UPDATE! appeared first on Windsurf Magazine.
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