ION continue their ‘Save our playgrounds’ initiative with this news about the new 2021 generation of ION’s CORE boardbags which have been developed in cooperation with Waste2Wear® the leading producer of innovative fabrics and textile products, made from recycled plastics since 2008.
ION say ‘The yarn of the new CORE boardbags consists of 100% RPET nylon, which is obtained from recycled plastic bottles. Used plastic bottles are collected and thoroughly cleaned, before being shredded into small flakes and further processed into larger pellets, which are then made into thin yarn’

By using recycled fabrics on all Core boardbags we achieved enormous environmental savings in the production.
“The global plastic facts are terrifying. In 2018 about 359 million tons of plastic were produced. That is more than the weight of the entire humanity on earth. Every 10-12 years plastic production doubles while only 13% is currently recycled.*ION sees it as a responsibility to minimize the ecological footprint and takes action in all business areas. ION contributes to this overall mission by processing material waste, reducing printing materials and extending the entire product life cycle by developing high-quality accessories designed for long-term use.For the all-new Core Boardbag collection ION partnered up with Waste2Wear. The result is that all board bags on Core level feature recycled materials from season SS21 on.”

Environmental Savings (All ION Core Bags 2021) by using Waste2Wear yarn:
- Water used by a human in 4.4 years*
- CO2 absorbed by a tree in 1279 years*
- Energy a light bulb needs to run for 225 years*
- Bottles to fill 3.097 shipping containers*
*Enviromental Savings Report Waste2Wear®

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